Page updated 1 November 2012
The Mail Edit Window

To open the Mail Edit window you must first use one of the approaches
outlined above. The elements of the window are explained below.
It is possible to start a number of new messages as, unlike the Mail
View window, Mail Edit windows are not limited to a single instance.
A full list of Keyboard Shortcuts
that work in this window are listed on a separate page.
The Title Bar
The Title bar of the window shows its name and the subject line, as
defined in the Mail Property dialogue, in
square brackets.
The options on the File Menu and Edit
Menu are described below.
The Toolbar contains a group of three buttons for the possible actions
on completion of the message, one that re-opens the Property dialogue
and a pair used to search mail for given text.
Folder |
Native |
Description |
Send Now |
Mark to Send |
Save to Outbox |
Open Property Dialogue |
Find Text |
Find Next Occurrence of Text |
The first four buttons duplicate the actions of the first four options
on the File Menu. The Find Next button duplicates
the action on the Edit Menu.
Under the Toolbar is the header area, which shows the principal mail
properties. If they need to be changed, it is necessary to re-open the
Property dialogue and edit them from there.
The Body Area
The main area of the window shows a cursor ready to accept text.
Depending on the options seleced on opening the window may also show
quoted text from a reply or for a forwarded message.
File Menu

- Send now
- Immediately closes the window, saves the message in the Outbox,
connects to the server, dialling if necessary, and completes a full
update of the server.
- CAUTION: This action not only sends the message in question,
but also sends, deletes and downloads any other marked messages for
the relevant account. Depending on the Account
Settings and Global Options
incoming mail may be checked as well.
- Save and Mark
- Closes the Mail Edit window and saves the message to the Outbox,
marking it to be sent at the next server update.
- Save to Outbox
- Closes the Mail Edit window and saves the message. Typically, this
option is used to save a draft message, that needs further editing
before sending.
- NOTE: The default behaviour relating to the three actions
above is to switch to show the Outbox. You may wish to consider
turning off this Global Option.
- Property...
- Opens the Property dialogue.
- External editor
- Closes the Edit window and re-opens the message body in an External
- Save as...
- Opens a File Save dialog to choose the name of a file to save the
message as text.
- Encoding...
- Opens the Encoding
dialogue. This option is normally accessed from the Global
Options dialogue as part of initial setup of nPOPuk. It is only
needed here if writing a one-off message in a language requiring
foreign character set.
- Attach files...
- Opens the Attach files dialogue.
- Close
- Aborts the message being edited, closing the window.
Edit Menu

- Undo
- Cancels the most recent editing operation.
- Cut / Copy / Paste
- Execute the standard Windows functions.
- Paste as quotation
- Pastes the text on the clipboard, wrapped and with the quotation
characters defined through the Global Options dialogue.
- Reflow selection
- Wraps any selected text to the line length defined under the Send
tab of the Global Options
dialogue. This "intelligent" option is especially useful for reflowing
complex multi-level quotations in replies and forwarded mail.
- Select all
- Selects all the text in the window..
- Find...
- Opens the Find dialogue to permit searches
for specific text with in mail.
- Find next
- Continues the search for the previously defined string.
NOTE: The Find Next button on
the toolbar acts as if selecting this option unless no text has been
previously entered in the Find Dialogue, when the toolbar button opens
the Find Dialogue instead.
- Replace...
- Opens the Replace dialogue to
permit replacement of specific text within mail.
- Paste from File...
- Opens a standard Open file dialogue, with the defaults set to browse
for *.txt files from the most recently opened folder. Browse for the
required file, select it and click the Open button. The contents of
the selected file is imported into the Mail Edit window at the
location of the cursor.
- Word Wrap
- Toggles the text wrapping function. When selected, a check mark
appears by the option and words are wrapped within the Mail Edit
- Font...
- Opens a standard Windows font dialogue that controls the appearance
of text in the Mail Edit window.
NOTE: This setting has no effect on the message that is
transmitted, which will be plain text. No special formatting of the
mail is possible. The font seen by the recipient is determined by his
own software.
The Sent Mail Window

Once mail is marked as sent in the main window, it can no longer be
opened in a Mail Edit window. Instead it opens in
a revised version, the Sent Mail window. The change is indicated by the
changed Title Bar which shows the revised name along with the message
subject line.
The main difference between the two windows is that mail cannot be
edited in the Sent Mail window and both the FILE and EDIT menus reflect
this change.

The FILE menu shows two message navigation options and one to create a
new message based on the sent item currently open. The first three
buttons on the toolbar match these changed menu options.

On the EDIT menu those options that allow editing are disabled, leaving
just those that control display active.
KNOWN ISSUE: The option to open mail in an
external editor is provided to allow sent mail to be printed. If you
never use an external editor for writing mail, it is recommended that
you define an editor in the nPOPuk.ini
file which has a command line switch that sets files to be opened
in "read only" mode and use the nPOPuk.ini setting to set that switch.
Without this it is possible to edit message text before printing,
although any changes made are discarded and not incorporated into the
saved sent message.