
Mailbox Summary

Page updated 1 November 2012

Go to TopIntroduction

The Mailboxes dialogue can be re-sized and is accessed from the "Summary..." option of the Mailbox menu on the Main Window. It's function is two-fold. It provides both general information about Mailboxes and their contents, and access to a number of Mailbox management tasks.

Mailbox Summary Dialogue

Go to TopThe Data Table

The Mailboxes dialogue's main feature is the table showing statistics about all current Mailboxes. This contains the columns described below:

Displays the names of the Mailboxes.
New/Unread/Total (N/U/T):
The heading of this column initially appears in full, but soon changes to its abbreviated form. It displays, in order and separated by slashes (/), the number of messages marked new, marked unread and the total number in the Mailbox.
Disk Size:
The size of the Mailbox file rounded to the nearest 1kb. To speed population of the table, files that have not yet been loaded or read will show as "?KB". These files will always either be non-existent or of zero size.
Shows "YES" if data has been allocated to a file but not yet written to disk, otherwise it shows "no".
The name of the file associated with the Mailbox.

Go to TopControls

Around the data table are arranged a number of buttons. These allow a number of actions, some of which may be applied to multiple accounts. Use the standard WIndows technique (CTRL-click to add/remove an item from the existing selection, SHIFT-click to select all items from the current focus) to select multiple Mailboxes. The buttons functions are described below:

Starts the process of adding a new Mailbox. It opens the Add Mailbox dialogue and, in the Mailbox Pane of the Main Window, displays a new "Untitled" Mailbox beneath the Mailbox with focus.
Writes the currently selected Mailbox(es) to disk. This would normally be used on those Mailboxes that show as "Changed" on the Data Table.
This button opens either the Account Settings or Edit Savebox dialogue, depending on whether an Account or Savebox is selected. It will be inactive when more than one Mailbox is selected.
Deletes the currently selected Mailbox(es) following confirmation on a warning dialogue.
Closes the Mailboxes dialogue and jumps to the selected Mailbox in the main window.
Closes the Mailboxes dialogue.
Up/Down Arrow:
Enables the reordering of one or more Mailboxes. The buttons moves the currently selected Mailbox(es) up/down the list. Each selected Mailbox will move. It is not necessary for them to be in a contiguous block.

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