Page updated 8 March 2014
This page describes the main improvements in successive versions of
nPOPuk. These were themselves built on the earlier UKFixes to nPOP.
The support sites for a number of the earlier versions of the program
can be accessed here.
New in 3.03
Program Code:
Program Interface Improvements:
- Added: A message-filter box, to filter the messages displayed in the main window.
New in 3.02
Program Interface Improvements:
- Added: Support for underlined hyperlinks (RichEdit) in the message-view window.
New in 3.01
Program Code:
- Fixed: Issue when upgrading from 2.16 with non-ascii data in the
- Fixed: Issue with non-ascii command-line arguments.
Program Interface Improvements:
- Added: The Mailbox Pane pop-up menu now includes Check and Update
- Added: Double-clicking an account in the Mailbox Pane will check the
server for that account.
New in 3.00
Program Code:
- Changed: nPOPuk now saves mail data as received (wire-form),
rather than attempting to convert it with the current
Windows code page.
- Changed: Improved ability to handle pasted text with "LF" line ends
(often found in files posted by iPhone users).
- Changed: Improved efficiency and accuracy of character conversion
for non-ASCII characters.
- Fixed: The auto-bcc feature was missing from any Reply.
- Fixed: Issue when switching between forwarding as attachment or
- Fixed: Handling of preview pane when maximizing the Main Window.
- Fixed: Attachments that are application/octet-stream but have an
image extension and were treated as images for "view images".
- Fixed: The Address Book could be corrupted when you edited it and
then created a new message, without closing it in between.
Program Interface Improvements:
- Added: Setup Files now provide for user input via dialogues.
- Added: The Mailbox Pane now indicates which Mailboxes have flagged
- Added: On the Global Options Recv tab, an option to fetch messages
in reverse order.
- Added: On the Global Options Other tab, an option for password to
configure program.
- Added: On the Mailbox Initialise dialogue, an option to delete all
messages on the server.
- Added: On the File > Connection menu, an option to view the
Server Log file.
- Added: Header area in Sent Mail window now shows the date.
- Added: (For Windows Mobile and WindowsCE devices) The ability to
automatically activate the Wi-Fi connection to check mail.
- Changed: Additional and re-ordered buttons on the Main and Mail View
- Changed: For sent mail, the external editor now shows header
information (Useful when printing sent mail)
New in 2.16
Program Code:
- Added: Preview pane
- Added: Per-account receive settings
- Added: Ability to change toolbar buttons and icons
- Updated: SSL code (to patch buffer overrun vulnerability)
- Changed: Sound files should now be located in a subdirectory named
Resource; SoundDirectory is ignored
- Fixed: Select-all problem in Outbox
- Fixed: Timezone conversion bug
- Fixed: Command-line option /s
- Fixed (216p1): Problem importing accounts from nPOP/nPOPQ.
- Fixed (216p1): Issue with Move filter.
- Fixed (216p2): Issue with very long (>1023) BCC lists.
- Fixed (216p2): Issue fully-downloaded messages not appearing as
Program Interface Improvements:
- Added: Ability to rename mailbox files from within the program
- Added: Ability to sort messages by sender's e-mail address only (not
the full From: string) and to ignore Re: and Fwd: when sorting by
- Changed: Reply now bypasses the Property dialog and goes directly to
editing the message
- Added: For WindowsMobile users, a way to disable scrollbars so that
drag-select will work (dragging normally scrolls on some WM devices)
New in 2.15
v2.15 was not a public release and was only made available to subscribers
to the old npopsupport mail list. Its features are incorporated into
New in 2.14
Program Code:
- Updated: SSL code (to patch renegotiation vulnerability)
- Added: feature to re-order the Outbox to keep drafts at the bottom
Program Interface Improvements:
- Added: "Sort by" menu options
- Added: "Save as" menu item for the Edit and Sent Mail windows
- Added: Wildcard capability in "Find" and "Replace" dialogs
- Changed: For WindowsMobile users, the toolbar buttons and bubble
help have been revised to be more compatible with WindowMobile 7
New in 2.13
Program Code:
- Added: SSL functions built-in; extra DLLs are no longer required.
Program Interface Improvements:
- Added: Advanced Global Options Editor (Allows edting of the
[GENERAL] section of nPOPuk.ini)
- Added: "Find" and "Find Next" buttons to Main, Mail Edit, Sent Mail
and Mail View windows
- Changed: The Sent Mail window shows "Prev mail", "Next mail" and
"Edit as New" toolbar buttons
New in 2.12
Installation Aids:
- Added: Facility to load new account details from a template file
MailBox Controls:
- Added: Setting to prevent an empty pop mailbox from causing all
messages to be deleted
NoEmptyMailbox=0 in the [GENERAL] section; set =1 to fix gmail
problems, =2 should not be an error, proceed to next account
- Added: A Redirect facility.
This is similar to forwarding but removes any indication that the
message passed through an intermediate account. (Servers at GMail
defeats this facility)
Message Management:
- Added: "Reject" action to Global filters
- Added: Option to use header encoding (RFC2047 rather than RFC2231)
for attachment filenames
- Added: In the Find dialogue, \\ can now be used as an escape
- Added: A range of messages inserted at the top/bottom of message
bodies with clickable text that initiates:
- Full download of incomplete message
- Opening/Saving of Attached files
- Viewing HTML message in Browser
Program Interface Improvements:
- Added: A "show attachments" menu item for drafts in a savebox.
And, when you forward the draft, the attachment list gets copied over
(previously, it wasn't being copied).
- Added: Flags in MailBox pane to indicate server activity (<) or
error (#)
The # may not be as persistent as it should be
- Added: Global options dialogue, Advanced tab, has an "Append to
saveboxes without loading" option
- Added: The Mail View window, View menu, will display a "View Images"
option when image files are attached.
- Changed: The "File" and "Edit" menus on the Mail View
window are now "Mail" and "View"
- Changed: The "Create copy" option, found when the Outbox is selected
in the Main window, is renamed "Edit as new"
- Added: The File menu on the Main window has an "Enable autocheck"
option (Avoids having to open the full Global Options dialogue)
- Changed: The Find dialogue has radio buttons instead of
interdependent checkboxes
- Changed: A more specific error message appears when attempting to
save an incomplete attachment
- Changed: New Mailboxes are now added below the active mailbox not at
the bottom of the list
- Added: The Mail Edit window File menu has an "External editor"
- Added: More options in Main window context menus
- Changed: In the Main window, the Esc key brings up the context menu,
located on the item that has focus
- Changed: Clickable URLs the the message body are now in <angle
Program Code:
- Fixed: Flags should persist when copying/moving to a savebox
- Fixed: Correct re-naming of default named files when reordering
- Fixed: Some nPOPuk.ini clutter will be removed after moving
- Fixed: Adding mailbox while server transaction in progress
could have caused major problems
- Fixed: Errors in Filename column of mailbox summary window
- Fixed: Issue when running nPOPuk under Wine on Linux
- Fixed: Removed duplicate accelerator letters on some menus
- Fixed: Global filters updated when saveboxes are renamed
- Fixed: Handling of \t \r and \n tokens in Find dialogue
- Fixed: FixContentType code - a message from an AppleMail user
didn't display
- Fixed: Subject line splitting
- Fixed: Various other code improvements
New in 2.11
Mailbox Management:
- Added: Mailbox Pane to the Main Window (May revert to the old
Drop-down list if preferred)
- Added: A Mailbox Summary dialogue. This allows
various management tasks to be performed on selected Mailboxes
and for each Mailbox displays:
- New, unread and total mail
- File size
- Whether there is unsaved data
- The Mailbox file name.
Message Management:
- Added: Flag for follow-up function
- Added: Global Filters
- Added: Filter actions to set the priority or to Forward a message
- Added: Find and Replace facility in the Mail Edit window
- Added: Conversion of Content-ID attachments for embedded images in
text/html (still viewed in external viewer, not natively in
Message Editing:
- Added: Facility to reflow text (Useful for correcting poorly
formatted quoted text and predicting where line breaks will occur when
the message is saved)
Program Interface:
- Changed: The Address Book dialogue is now re-sizable
- Added: Option to display cursor in the Mail View Window
- Added: A simple progress bar on the status line that shows
transmission of larger files
- Added: New toolbar buttons
- Flag for Follow-up
- Find Next Text
- Delete from List (Replaces a greyed out Mark to Delete button in
- Dialup Connect and Disconnect
- Changed: Toolbar icons Mark to Delete and Mark to Download act as
Message Security:
- Added: An anti-snooping global option to scramble text in message
data files (ROT-13)
Program Code:
- Changed: The server log file is now generated in the folder defined
by the DataFileDir= setting in the nPOPuk.ini file.
- Changed: Improved Savebox handling for low memory situations
- Added: New features in the Command Line Options (changing the way
some worked!)
- Added: nPOPuk.ini setting to avoid mail being deleted when GMail is
having problems and it erroneously reports 0 messages.
- Changed: The program code has many other internal improvements
Support Downloads:
- Files to assist with multiple platform installations
New in 2.10
v2.10 was not a public release and was only made available to subscribers
to the npopsupport mail list. Its features are incorporated into v2.11.
New in 2.09
Address Book:
- Added: Facility to allow immediate editing of addresses added from
the Address Information dialogue
Address Auto-completion:
- Added: Facilities to ease address entry. Type the first few letters
of an e-mail address or comment to jump to a matching address book
entry. Pressing the space bar finds further matches. Typing a group
name from the Address Book will enter all addresses in the group
Mail Filters:
- Added: Special codes to permit filtering by age of mail ("older
than" and "newer than") and by an address's presence in the Address
- Added: Settings to generate sounds when selecting various message
types on the main window, designed to assist visually impaired users
- Added: A setting to add command line options to the application
launched when a web link in a message is clicked (URLAppCmdLine=)
- Changed: nPOPuk.ini file comment lines may now start with either a
semi-colon (;) or a hash (#)
Program Interface:
- Added: Indication on the folder list and status line of unsent mail
- Added: A pop-up (disabled by "disable warning pop-ups") for the
backup dir going missing
- Fixed: Ctrl-C will now copy selected text from Sent mail in the
- Fixed: Problem with window size adjustment when swapping to a
platform with smaller screen
Program Code:
- Added: Ability to salvage mail data received before an unexpected
disconnection from a POP server
- Changed: The open/save dir defaults if the setting is not a
1) if it's an attachment, it'll go in DataDir/attach
2) if it's a backup, this remembers its own path
3) if it's saving a message, it goes in DataDir
4) if it's opening, then it passes nothing to the open file routine,
so windows makes up its own mind.
- Fixed: In outgoing mail, if the body is 7-bit, nPOPuk no longer
generates a header claiming the body is q-p encoded (since the body is
not encoded).
- Many other internal changes to the code to enhance efficiency,
remove memory leaks, etc.
New in 2.08
- Added: Attachments of the type message/rfc822 may be opened directly
in nPOPuk (This is type of attachment is generated by nPOPuk when an
entire message with its attachments is forwarded)
- Added: The components of a multipart/digest message are handled
seamlessly, as if separate messages
- Added: Ability to shift-click on an attachment listed on the
extended Mail View window Edit menu, bypassing the Attached file
Forwarding Messages:
- Changed: The default action is to forward all attachments (other
than text/html attachments) that have been fully downloaded.
- Added: The original text may be quoted or sent as an attachment (or
- Added: Messages forwarded as an attachment do include any text/html
- Changed: The default header for forwarded messages includes
"From: %F"
Address Book:
- Added: The entries can be sorted by column
- Added: Ability to make an "incremental search" on either the Mail
address or Comment column by typing a few letters
- Added: On opening, the entries displayed can be limited to a named
- Added: "Jump 10 entries" buttons to the Address Book window
- Improved: The Recipients dialogue, replaces the Cc/Bcc dialogue,
allows To,: Cc: and Bcc: addresses to be selected.
- Added: Option to display the Cc: line only if the Cc: is non-null in
the header for Replies and Forwarded mail and when viewing
message headers
- Added: "Paste as quotation" option to the Edit menu of the Mail Edit
- Added: Setting (in nPOPuk.ini file) to warn, when nPOPuk is closed,
if there are messages marked for sending or sending failed.
- Fixed: Copy/Move filters are reapplied on full download of messages
- Fixed: Many internal improvements in the code
New in 2.07
- Message Data Format: MBOX format is available as an option (MBOX is
a non-proprietary format supported by a number of popular e-mail
clients. Exchange of message data with alternative programs
becomes possible)
- The Find dialogue: Can search the Outbox and there are additional
facilities for InBoxes
- Command Line Options:
- /q Launches nPOPuk, checks for mail and exits
- /s Launches nPOPuk and sends a predefined message
- nPOPuk.ini:
- [GENERAL] settings:
- CheckEndExecNoDelMsg= behaviour has changed and new options
added. This setting controls the dialogue that appears when
updating the server. Now the default provides 3 options
(Yes, No, Cancel); Cancel aborts the server update, No should
just download and send, with Yes deleting messages marked for
- CheckQueuedOnExit= controls a warning dialogue that appears
on exit, to indicate that there is mail in the SendBox
that is marked for sending.
- TimeoutInterval= value is now in seconds, not minutes
- [MAILBOX-X] section settings:
- Filename= define Mailbox file name
- StartInit= will initialise individual accounts (Previously
only documented as a [GENERAL] setting)
- Account Settings dialogue:
- Filter tab: The two conditions for a filter item can
be combined with AND, OR or UNLESS operators
- SMTP tab: Renamed "Always Bcc" setting adds an option to
control the address that may be automatically blind copied
- Add Mailbox dialogue: Added an Import Savebox option
- Global Options dialogue:
- Added:
- "View" tab: Options to control the scanning and
skipping of messages
- "Advanced" tab: Options to control the loading
and format of message data files
- Dial-up tab: Wording change: "Force connection to check
mail at start" becomes "Auto-connect to process mail"
- Sort tab: Added option to allow swapping of the Subject
and From columns in the Main Window
- Check tab: Added a checkbox for "Update after check" with a
range of options available for handling mail marked for deletion
- Main Window:
- File Menu: "Backup files..." now saves all data files
(including the address book) to the specified directory
- Mailbox menu: The Initialise Dialogue has a "Fill in" option
that allows synchronisation of Mailboxes with servers that
renumber mail (e.g. Yahoo!Mail)
- Status Line: View and Server size is reported
- Outbox: When selected, CTRL-M will move a message
- Mail Edit Window:
- Edit Menu: Added Find and Find next options
- Mail View window:
- File Menu: Added "Mark as read" and "Mark as unread" and a
matching pair of keyboard shortcuts. Added a Delete from
List item
- Improved navigation to new Mailboxes when viewing first or
last messages in a Mailbox
- Many internal improvements to the code
New in 2.04
- All user-data files can be backed up to a user-defined folder that
also provides a quick way to browse archived mail.
- The Mail View Window has menu options and keyboard shortcuts to
permit Copying and Moving mail to and between Saveboxes.
- New settings in the nPOPuk.ini file control what is displayed after
mail is deleted, marked for deletion or where there are no further
messages to view.
- Additional command-line option to define the location of the
nPOPuk.ini file. (This both allows mail data to be stored in a user's
own area and inaccessible to other users of the computer and to
install various nPOPuk versions on a flash memory device to use used
on a range of platforms and accessing the same mail data.)
- Multiple Saveboxes and additional mail filtering options that permit
sorting of mail, on receipt, into user-defined folders.
- An icon in the main mail list window to indicate messages whose only
attachment is an HTML version of the message
- The left panel on the status line now includes file size of the
local (View) and remote (Server) Mailboxes
New in 2.00
This was the first version of nPOPuk to be released. Based on the
previous "UK Fix", the following were new features:
- Most html-only messages are made readable through stripping of
HTML tags (May be reversed through a new nPOPuk.ini setting)
- Ability to group addresses in the address book, and show addresses
based on their group membership.
- Overlays in the main mail list window to indicate whether a reply or
forward has been executed on a message.
- Correct indication of whether a message has been fully downloaded,
even if nPOPuk is set to download only the first N lines. (Previously,
nPOP would indicate partial download when set to download only N
lines, even if the message was in fact shorter than N lines.)
- The size column in the Outbox includes the attachments,
so upload time can be better estimated
- The message composition (Mail Edit) window now has separate icons
and menu items for "Send now", "Save to Outbox", and "Save and Mark"
to send later (on the next update of the account) (This feature
replaces the AutoMarkSend global option.)
- Option to quote only portions of a message when replying or
forwarding by selecting the desired text in the Mail View window
before initiating the Reply/Forward
- On the Main Window, menu options have been added to change between
- The left panel on the status line now resizes. (This has no impact
in the Win32 environment but improves things for users of platforms
with a narrow screen width.)
- Dates now display correctly, regardless of the time zone of the
sender and recipient.
UK Fix Features
nPOPuk is built on nPOP UK Fix, itself an extended version of nPOP.
The final UK Fix was based on Tomoaki's v1.0.9 source code
and extended the program combining the following features:
nPOP Features
- An ultra small e-mail client (A typical initial installation takes
less than 280kb of disk space)
- Portability (May be run from flash memory devices, or a floppy
disk as it does not write to the Windows registry and leaves no trace
on the host computer.)
- Clearly displays, and optionally logs, its communication with mail
servers (Ideal for managing mail on the server, making easy the
deletion of spam and preventing the need to download large file
attachments simply to enable that or following mail to be read)
- Operates with the following servers and protocols: POP3,
last requires additional DLL files be installed with the
program file)
- Support for multiple accounts (together with multiple mail boxes
(folders) for saving mail)
- Complex mail filter facilities available for automatic processing
of mail waiting on the server (Includes: rejection,
acceptance, deletion, copying and moving of mail between Mailboxes)
- Automatic checking for new mail at a user-defined frequency
- An optional threaded display of mail
- Provision of a simple address book
- A choice of connection methods, including LAN and Dial-up
UK Fixes
- Many revised translations in menus and dialogues throughout the
- Mis-spellings corrected in nPOP.ini file settings.
- Improved word-wrap for English text (The original nPOP is for
Japanese Unicode): Line breaks no longer happen at punctuation or
non-English characters. Extra spaces at the beginning of lines are
removed, and quoted lines are broken before having the quotation mark
("> ") added.
- Headers are no longer visible in a text-only message, unless View
Source is performed when the Global Option "Include header lines" is
- The Reply-To address may be selected from a drop-down list.
- Filters are correctly moved with accounts when reordering (Move
- Messages that include lines starting with "from" (regardless of
case) are handled correctly.
- Sent mail can no longer be edited.
- The Help/About dialogue includes a reference to the nPOP UK
Support web site.
- New icons and toolbar button images.
- A mail forwarding facility with additional Global Option settings
- Global Options to allow:
- Disabling of Warning Popup Boxes
- Control of Mail List Sorting
- An option to "Save all" working files without exiting.
- Support for mail priorities (High, Normal and Low).
- Support for read and delivery receipts.
- The quotation string for replies and forwarded mail is "> "
rather than ">" in new installations