Page updated 1 November 2012
In nPOPuk, three potentially critical functions require mail to be "marked" and then the server updated for the operation to complete. These are sending, deleting and forcing full download of partially retrieved mail. To mark an item, select it in the Main Window, and click the required toolbar button (Menu: MAIL > MARK TO xxxx. Keyboard: CTRL-D (Mark to Download/Send), CTRL-DEL (Mark to Delete)):
Alternatively, you may right-click over the item and select the type of mark required from the context menu. These actions place the appropriate icon against the item in the mail list. Updating the server, is a distinct server operation. In nPOPuk updating the server is activated automatically during a check for mail. (For a fuller explanation see the introduction to Server Communication.)
Once all items have been marked as required, (Deletions, full downloads and mail to be sent) click the "Update account" button. (Menu: CONNECT > UPDATE ACCOUNT. Keyboard: CTRL+E) This retrieves, deletes or sends marked mail on the selected account. If not connected, the connection process will start.
If the account to be updated has mail marked for deletion, then the "Update account" dialogue will appear. Click the "Yes" button to proceed with a full update of the server, including deletions, downloads and sending of mail. Click "No" to proceed with downloads and sending of mail only, or "Cancel" to abort the procedure.
If there are marked items for a number of accounts click the "Update all accounts" toolbar button (Menu: CONNECT > UPDATE ALL ACCOUNTS. Keyboard: CTRL+G) instead.
If mail is marked for deletion on one or more accounts, then an "Update account" dialogue will appear. However, the title bar is subject to change. If the active Mailbox is an account with mail marked for deletion, then the title bar will show its name. Otherwise it will show the name of the next following account that has mail marked for deletion. If the active Mailbox follows those accounts that have mail marked for deletion, then it will be the first account in the drop-down with mail marked for deletion list that appears on the title bar. The "Yes" and "No" buttons will work as before, but operating on all accounts. However, if the "Cancel" button is clicked, as the dialogue disappears, the active account will change to the one seen on the dialogue's title bar.
TIP: An option to check for incoming mail when updating is available through the Global Options dialogue (Menu: FILE > OPTIONS > CHECK), effectively producing a "Send and Receive" function for nPOPuk.
Some people report seeing an error message: "Address format error". when sending mail. This rather incomplete message refers to their own address entered on "Mail address:" line of the SMTP tab of the Account Settings dialogue. If you see this error check that your address is complete and does not contain wrong punctuation. For example, the following addresses would all produce this error:
Others report that they send mail from their ISP's account when at home but not when they are connected to another network when it always shows an error symbol in the Outbox.This is the only error. They can browse the web, read incoming mail and send mail from GMail and Yahoo accounts.
The answer is that they are connecting to a server via another and the server at the new network attempts to reduce spam by refusing to forward mail to the SMTP server named in nPOPuk. Most ISPs and office networks operate like this. Accordingly, a change in the way you connect to the Internet will almost certainly require a change in the SMTP server you use. Change the server name for the account that will not send mail to that of the SMTP server of the network to which you are connected.
Even with this change further restrictions on that server may prevent mail that does not come from a "local" address from being sent. However, conventional ISPs normally do allow up to five items of mail to be sent in any one SMTP session. However, it is possible that the network administrators at your work will have even tighter controls. If so, it will be impossible to send mail except from an account using a local address accepted by that server. Setting SMTP server names is described on the Accounts page.The Outbox is used for both sent and unsent mail, which might include
"draft" messages. Unsent mail shows no icon. Mail marked for sending
shows an icon with right-pointing arrow. Sent mail is marked with an
envelope icon. This will be overlaid with a cross if it was unsent
because of an error during update of the server. (See the Main
Window page for images of the icons.)
If unsent, mail opened from the Outbox is displayed in a Mail Edit window and the message can be edited.
If sent a revised version, the Sent
Mail window is used that does not allow editing to take place.