
Program Features

Page updated 30 January 2012

Go to TopIntroduction

This page describes the main improvements in successive versions of nPOPuk which was built on the earlier UKFixes to nPOP.  Further background and detail on the implications of some the program features are provided on the other pages in this section.

Go to TopNew in 2.16

Program Code:

Program Interface Improvements:

Go to TopNew in 2.15

v2.15 was not a public release and was only made available to subscribers to the old npopsupport mail list. Its features are incorporated into v2.16.

Go to TopNew in 2.14

Program Code:

Program Interface Improvements:

Go to TopNew in 2.13

Program Code:

Program Interface Improvements:

Go to TopNew in 2.12

Installation Aids:

MailBox Controls:

Message Management:

Program Interface Improvements:

Program Code:

Go to TopNew in 2.11

Mailbox Management:

Message Management:

Message Editing:

Program Interface:

Message Security:

Program Code:

Support Downloads:

Go to TopNew in 2.10

v2.10 was not a public release and was only made available to subscribers to the npopsupport mail list. Its features are incorporated into v2.11.

Go to TopNew in 2.09

Address Book:

Address Auto-completion:

Mail Filters:


Program Interface:

Program Code:

Go to TopNew in 2.08


Forwarding Messages:

Address Book:

Go to TopNew in 2.07

Go to TopNew in 2.04

Go to TopNew in 2.00

This was the first version of nPOPuk to be released.  Based on the previous "UK Fix", the following were new features:

Go to TopUK Fix Features

nPOPuk is built on nPOP UK Fix, itself an extended version of nPOP.  The final UK Fix was based on Tomoaki's v1.0.9 source code and extended the program combining the following features:

Go to TopnPOP Features

Go to TopUK Fixes

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