[GENERAL] ;==================================== ; Location of Mailbox/Sendbox/AddrBk Files ; ; If NULL = Program Directory ; Manual Edit Only DataFileDir= ; ;==================================== ; Folder for Backup Files ; ; NULL if backup feature not yet used ; Full path of last used backup directory ; Manual Edit Only BackupDir= ; ;==================================== ; nPOPuk Version Code ; ; Used by nPOPuk to detect current version ; Caution: Editing may cause future upgrades to fail ; Manual Edit Only Version=2010 ; ;==================================== ; Server Transaction Log ; ; 0 = No Log ; 1 = Log ; 2 = Log with extended debugging data ; Higher values may be available in beta versions ; Manual Edit Only SocLog=0 ; ;==================================== ; Font for Mail Edit/View Window ; ; If NULL, use "DEFAULT_GUI_FONT" FontName= ; FontSize=9 FontWeight=0 FontItalic=0 FontCharset=0 ; ;==================================== ; Font for Main Window (List View) and ; Headers of Mail View/Edit windows ; ; All in this section Manual Edit Only ; LvFontName= ; Caution: Over Large FontSize can ; corrupt window/dialogue displays LvFontSize=9 LvFontWeight=0 LvFontItalic=0 LvFontCharset=0 ; ;==================================== ; Status Bar Width ; ; Sets Multiplier for First Panel Size in Pixels ; WIdth = Characters * StatusBarCharWidth ; Manual Edit Only StatusBarCharWidth=7 ; ;==================================== ; Message Head and Body ; Character set and Encoding ; ; Encoding: ; 0=7bit 1=8bit 2=BASE64 3=quoted-printable HeadCharset="iso-8859-1" HeadEncoding=3 BodyCharset="iso-8859-1" BodyEncoding=3 ; ;==================================== ; Time Zone Setting ; ; NULL = Use Windows time zone ; ; Set variation from GMT = Four digit value ; First two digits = hours ; Second two digits = minutes ; -/+ prefix indicates earlier/later than GMT ; Daylight savings Times are allowed for automatically ; e.g. TimeZone="+0930" ; (Nine and a half hours later than GMT). ; Manual Edit Only TimeZone= ; ;==================================== ; Date and Time Settings ; ; Valid formats include: ; dd = day 2 digits ; ddd = day 3 letters ; dddd = day in full ; MM = Month 2 digits ; MMM = Month 3 letters ; MMMM = Month in full ; yy = Year 2 digits ; yyyy = Year 4 digits ; / [space] : = Permitted separators DateFormat="dd/MM/yyyy" TimeFormat="HH:mm" ; ;==================================== ; Main Window Settings ; ; Initial setting is determined by your screen size: ; left = width/4; right = left+560 ; top = height/4; bottom = top+320 ; Values below are for a 1024x768 screen. ; ; Position/Size left=256 top=185 right=816 bottom=505 ; ;==================================== ; Address Book Window Settings ; ; Position/Size AddressLeft=256 AddressTop=185 AddressRight=656 AddressBottom=485 ; ;==================================== ; Mailbox Summary Window Settings ; ; Position/Size MblLeft=256 MblTop=185 MblRight=656 MblBottom=485 ; ;==================================== ; Window Minimise Controls ; ; Global Options - Other Tab ShowTrayIcon=1 ; ; Controls whether nPOP runs minimised ; Over-rides the standard Windows facility ; 0 = Opens as controlled by Windows ; 1 = Always Opens Minimised ; Manual Edit Only StartHide=0 ; ; Global Options - Other Tab MinsizeHide=0 CloseHide=0 ; ; Notification Area Icon Behaviour ; 0 = Opens Main Window (If Minimised) ; 1 = Toggles Main Window (Minimised - Restored/Maximised) ; Manual Edit Only TrayIconToggle=0 ;==================================== ; Initialisation when Checking Accounts ; ; Initialise Dialogue ; ; 0 = Details of the most recent message found ; at the POP Server are retained. ; 1 = Details of the most recent message found at POP ; server are deleted. ; (In effect, this option initialises ALL accounts ; on launch.) ; 2 = Fills in from 1 and applies to [GENERAL] and ; [MAILBOX-xx] entries. The Mailbox setting can't ; decrease the General one. If GENERAL's StartInit=2, ; then all mailboxes will behave as though ; StartInit=2 (regardless of what they have set). ; If GENERAL's StartInit=1, then this will be used ; for any mailbox that doesn't have StartInit=2. ; If GENERAL's StartInit=0, then the mailbox setting ; prevails. StartInit=0 ; ;==================================== ; Mail List Sorting ; ; Global Options - Sort Tab ; ; Defines position of selected mail item ; 0 = Top, 1 = Bottom LvDefSelectPos=1 ; ; Sorting Control ; 0 = No sorting ; 1 = SaveBox only ; 2 = All Mailboxes LvAutoSort=1 ; ; Mailbox Sorting ; 1 = Subject ; 2 = Address ; 3 = Date ; 4 = Size ; Positive=Ascending Negative=Descending LvSortItem=3 ; ;==================================== ; Main Window - Mail Menu ; ; Thread Mode ; 0 = off, 1 = On LvThreadView=0 ; ;==================================== ; Main Window Display Style ; ; Default produces "Details View" ; The values are bitwise OR'ed (See: ; http://windowssdk.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms632600.aspx) LvStyle=9 LvStyleEx=1056 ; ;==================================== ; Sundry Window Management ; ; Global Options - Sort Tab ; Main Window Column Order ; Global Options Sort Tab ; SFDZ = Subject From Date siZe ; FSDZ = From Subject Date siZe LvColumnOrder="SFDZ" ; ; MailBox Pane Width MBMenuWidth=130 ; ; SaveBox Control ; Number to switch between menu/dialogue ; on copy/move ; Manual Edit Only SaveBoxListCount=10 ; ; Global Options Other Tab ; 0 = Scan only current mailbox for unread mail ; 1 = Scan all mailboxes for unread mail ScanAllForUnread=1 ; ; Delete Key Actions ; ; DelIsMarkDel= Keystroke Accounts Saveboxes ; 1 = DEL Mark to Delete Delete from List ; CTRL-DEL Mark to Delete No effect ; SHIFT-DEL Delete from List Delete from List ; 0 = DEL Delete from List Delete from List ; CTRL-DEL Mark to Delete No effect ; SHIFT-DEL Delete from List Delete from List ; Setting =0 returns the behaviour of the DEL and CTRL-DEL ; keystrokes to that of nPOPuk versions prior to v2.11 ; (SHIFT-DEL had no effect prior to v2.11). ; Manual Edit Only DelIsMarkDel=1 ; ; Determines whether messages marked (by a filter) ; for deletion are considered new or not, for the ; purposes of the "Mailboxes with new mail" titlebar ; and the * in the mailbox list. If your filters ; catch a lot of spam, you may not want ; 0 = all new messages are counted ; 1 = marked-for-deletion messages are not counted ; Global Options Check Tab DeletedIsNotNew=0 ; ; RecvScroll: ; Controls scrolling of Mailboxes in Main Window ; 0 = No scrolls takes place ; 1 = Scrolls to most recently downloaded message ; (Doesn't always work! More research needed!) ; Manual Edit Only RecvScroll=1 ; ; Undocumented! SaveMsg=1 ; ; Saves Revelant Data Files after following actions: ; Check Server, Update Server, Others Undocumented! ; 0 = Off ; 1 = On ; Manual Edit Only AutoSave=1 ; ;==================================== ; File Type ; ; 0 = Mailbox files in nPOPuk format ; 1 = Mailbox files in MBOX format WriteMbox=0 ; ;==================================== ; Exit Conditions ; ; Warning dialogue on Exit to indicate presence of ; OutBox messages marked to be sent. ; 0 = No Warning ; 1 = Warning Activated ; 2 = Warning Activated, also warn if there are ; messages that failed to send CheckQueuedOnExit=0 ; ; Warning dialogue on Exit to prompt a Save All ; 0 = No Warning ; 1 = Warning Activated PromptSaveOnExit=0 ; ;==================================== ; Global Options ; ; Advanced Tab ; 0 = Load All ; 1 = Automtically as needed ; 2 = Auto, but not for Find Next/Unread ; 3 = Ask before loading for Find Next/Unread Check/Update ; All LazyLoadMailboxes=0 ; ;==================================== ; ; Controls how messages are added to a savebox ; when the Global Option LazyLoadMailboxes > 0 ; 0 = Loads savebox before attempting to move/copy a message ; 1 = Appends message to savebox file without loading; the ; next time the savebox is loaded, nPOPuk will attempt to ; eliminate duplicate messages (picking a completely ; downloaded copy in preference to a partial copy) BlindAppend=0 ; ; Fixes the Content-Type header line of messages that are not ; compliant with RFCs. ; 0 = Content-Type header is not changed ; 1 = For a multipart/alternative message sent by Apple Mail, ; nPOPuk will check to make sure that the parts are in fact ; alternatives, and that none of the parts contains an ; attachment. If an attachment is found, the Content-Type ; header will be changed to multipart/mixed. ; 2 = Checks multipart/alternative for all mailers, not just ; Apple Mail FixContentType=1 ; ;==================================== ; Security ; ; Use Password to Start Program StartPass=0 ; ; Use Password to Open Minimised Window ShowPass=0 ; ; Password (Encrypted) pw= ; ;==================================== ; Main Window Settings ; ; Column Widths ; Col-0=Subject Col-1=From ; Col-2=Date Col-3=Size LvColSize-0=150 LvColSize-1=100 LvColSize-2=110 LvColSize-3=50 ; ;==================================== ; Address Book Window ; ; Column Sizes AddColSize-0=200 AddColSize-1=150 AddColSize-2=100 ; ; ; Address Sorting ; 0 = by number (manual ordering) ; 1 = by mail address column (-1 = reverse) ; 2 = by comment (-2 = reverse) ; 3 = by group (-3 = reverse) ; Clicking a column causes this value to be changed AddressSort=0 ; ; Incremental Search ; Controls the column to be searched for a matching entry ; 0 = Mail Address ; 1 = Comment AddressJumpKey=0 ; ; Controls default for "Add new recipients to address book" ; 0 = New Recipients NOT added ; 1 = New Recipients added AutoAddRecipients=0 ; ; Initial Display ; Set to a string equivalent to a group/category name ; Address Book opens showing only addresses in named Group AddressShowGroup= ; ;==================================== ; Mailbox Summary Column widths ; ; Name MblColSize-0=110 ; New/Used/Total MblColSize-1=110 ; Disk Size MblColSize-2=70 ; Changed MblColSize-3=60 ; Loaded ; (Only appears if Load mailboxes set other than: ; All at Startup) MblColSize-4=50 ; Filename MblColSize-5=100 ; ;==================================== ; Mail View Window ; ; Position/Size viewleft=0 viewtop=0 viewright=450 viewbottom=400 ; ;==================================== ; Mail Edit Window ; ; Position/size editleft=0 edittop=0 editright=450 editbottom=400 ; ;==================================== ; Global Options Recv Tab ; ; Download Headers: 0 = No : 1 = Yes ShowHeader=0 ; ; Number of Lines to Downloa ListGetLine=100 ; ; Download Entire Body: 0 = No : 1 = Yes ListDownload=0 ; ; Save Messages ; 0 = Nothing Saved ; 1 = Headers Saved ; 2 = Header and Body Saved ListSaveMode=2 ; ;==================================== ; Word Wrap ; ; Mail View Window WordBreakFlag=1 ; ; Mail Edit Window EditWordBreakFlag=1 ; ;==================================== ; Show Date in Mail View Header Area ; 0 = No Date, 1 = Show Date ViewShowDate=0 ; ;==================================== ; Find Dialogue Options ; MatchCase=0 AllMsgFind=1 AllBoxFind=1 SubjectFind=0 ; ;==================================== ; Mail Sending Options ; ; Controls the sending of EHLO/HELO command ; 0 = HELO sent ; 1 = EHLO sent ; Manual Edit Only ESMTP=0 ; ; Define string to be sent with HELO command SendHelo= ; ; Controls whether nPOPuk sends a Message-ID ; and/or date, or omits them for the server ; to fill in. ; 0 = do not send ; 1 = send SendMessageId=1 SendDate=1 ; ;==================================== ; Global Options ; ; Send Tab SelectSendBox=1 ; ; Other Tab DisableWarning=0 ; ;==================================== ; POP Options ; ; Pop Before SMTP is normally used for ; authentication on certain servers only ; 0 = Full collection of mail ; 1 = Login Only PopBeforeSmtpIsLoginOnly=1 ; ; (Assumed to be) Delay in milliseconds before ; logon on to SMTP server after authentication PopBeforeSmtpWait=300 ; ; A setting to solve problems where some POP ; servers would report 0 messages, when actually ; the server itself is having difficulty. ; 0 = Delete all downloaded messages ; 1 = Leave messages; treat this as a server error ; 2 = Leave messages; treat as "no new messages" ; NoEmptyMailbox=0 ; ;==================================== ; Global Options ; ; Reply Tab AutoQuotation=1 ; ; Forward Tab FwdQuotation=1 SignForward=1 SignReplyAbove=0 ; ; Reply Tab QuotationChar="> " ; ; Send Tab WordBreakSize=70 QuotationBreak=1 ; ; Strings for Subject Line Prefix ReSubject="Re: " FwdSubject="Fwd: " ; ; Strings for Quote Introduction ReHeader="\n--------------------------------------------------\n%f wrote:\n(%d)\n" FwdHeader="\n--------------------------------------------------\nFrom: %F\nTo: %T\n{CC: %C\n}Subject: %S\nDate: %D\n" ; ;==================================== ; ; Comma separated list of addresses ; to appear above any others on the ReplyTo: ; list on the Mail Property dialogue ReplyTo= ; ;==================================== ; Undocumented ; Believed to be used for line-breaking ; in double-byte character sets (eg Kanji) ; Bura= Oida= ; ;==================================== ; ; The Certificate Authority file is used by the ssl_init() routine ; Files containing the certificates of major ; certificate authorities can be downloaded from: ; http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html ; http://www.thawte.com/roots/index.html. CAFile="ca.pem" ; ; Sets caching of the SMTP and POP servers ; IP addresses. ; 0 = IPCaching OFF ; 1 = IPCaching ON IPCache=1 ; ;==================================== ; Undocumented ; ; Apparently allows file names to use ; extended character sets ; Useful for Kanji? EncodeType=0 ; ;==================================== ; Global Options Check Tab ; ShowNewMailMessage=1 ShowNoMailMessage=0 ; ; Controls the appearance of the "New Mail" dialogue. ; 0 = Shows only if nPOP is not the active window ; 1 = Shows whether or not the nPOP window is active ; Manual Edit Only ActiveNewMailMessage=0 ; ;==================================== ; New Mail Overlay (Star) ; ; 0 = Keep until msg read or program closed ; 1 = Remove when check finds newer mail ClearNewOverlay=0 ; ;==================================== ; Sounds on Update ; ; Global Option - Check Tab NewMailSound=1 NewMailSoundFile= ; ; Sound when no new mail arrives ; 0 = No Sound, 1 = Make Sound ; Manual Edit Only ExecEndSound=0 ; ; Full or relative path to sound file ; Manual Edit Only ExecEndSoundFile= ; ;==================================== ; Sounds on Selecting Mail ; ; 0 = No sound is played ; 1 = Plays appropriate sound file ; NEW.WAV PARTIAL.WAV FULL.WAV ATTACH.WAV ATTACH_HTML.WAV ; NO_ICON.WAV UNREAD.WAV READ.WAV DOWNLOAD.WAV DELETE.WAV ; SEND.WAV SENT.WAV ERROR.WAV FLAG.WAV ItemPlaySound=0 ; ; Directory for the sound files ; Must be a subdirectory of the DataFileDir= ; The text "DateFileDir" acts as a placeholder and ; MUST not be edited SoundDirectory="DataFileDir\SOUNDS" ; ;==================================== ; Global Options - Check Tab ; AutoCheck=0 AutoCheckTime=10 StartCheck=0 CheckAfterUpdate=0 SocIgnoreError=0 SendIgnoreError=0 ; ; Automatically clear Error Warning Dialogue ; 0 = Clear dialogue manually ; 1 = Clear dialogue automatically ; Normally used to ensure that auto check activity can ; continue ; !Beta testers report reliability issues! NoIgnoreErrorTimeout=0 ; ;==================================== ; Redundant Entry ; Only effective on hand-held platforms ; ; Provides additional status line ; information when sending attachments ; 0 = Off, 1 = On SendAttachIndividually=1 ; ;==================================== ; Combined Check and Update Options ; ; Global Options - Check Tab ; ; Check after Update ; 0 = Off, 1 = On CheckEndExec=0 ; ; Update after Check ; 0 = Off ; 1 = ; 2 = ; 3 = CheckEndExecNoDelMsg=1 ; ;==================================== ; Timeout ; ; For various network operations ; In Seconds ; Manual Edit Only TimeoutInterval=120 ; ;==================================== ; Mail Viewer Options ; ; Global Option Reply Tab ; 0 = Keep Mail View open on Reply ; 1 = Close Mail View on Reply ViewClose=1 ; ; Controls state of Mail View window when there are ; no further messages (Previous/Next) ; 0 = Mail View window remains open ; 1 = Mail View window closes ViewCloseNoNext=1 ; ; Controls the message to be displayed on marking for ; deletion or move to a savebox ; 0 = Do nothing ; 1 = Move to next message ; 2 = Move to next unread message ViewNextAfterDel=1 ; ; Useful when spam is marked for deletion in list mode ; but server not updated before reading the messages. ; 0 = No messages skipped ; 1 = skip messages marked for deletion when traversing ; (Previous, Next, Next unread) ; 2 = skip messages marked for deletion only ; for next unread ViewSkipDeleted=2 ; ; Relative or full path and filename of the program to use ; as the external viewer. ; If NULL use application associated with ViewFileSuffix= ; Manual Edit Only ViewApp= ; ; View Application Command line options ; (Useful for adding a Print Command!) ; Manual Edit Only ViewAppCmdLine= ; ; File Extension for file fed to View Application ; (Try "htm" if sending to Browser!) ; Manual Edit Only ViewFileSuffix="txt" ; ; Prefix to file sent to View Application ; (Add HTML Tags if sending to Browser!) ; Manual Edit Only ViewFileHeader="From: %f\nTo: %t\n{Cc: %c\n}Subject: %s\nDate: %d\n\n" ; ; Controls closure of the Mail View window when external ; viewer opened ; 0 = Does not close, 1 = Closes ; Manual Edit Only ViewAppClose=0 ; ; 0 = Use ViewApp as External Viewer ; 1 = Use ViewApp as main viewer ; Manual Edit Only DefViewApp=0 ; ; Controls what is sent to the external editor ; 0 = Msg Body plus headers from ViewFileHeader= ; 1 = Full Message Source (from dat file) ViewAppMsgSource=0 ; ; Controls whether Attached file dialogue appears ; 0 = Dialogue appears (Open/Save options) ; 1 = Dialogue by-passed (Attached files that are messages, ; i.e. rfc822 or text/plain in digests, will open. ; The Attached file dialogue shows for other types.) AutoOpenAttachMsg=0 ; ; Controls whether a cursor appears in the Mail View ; window ; 0 = No cursor ; 1 = Cursor appears ; With a cursor it becomes possible to use the ; keyboard to select text. ; Manual Edit Only ViewWindowCursor=0 ; ; Controls whether attachments are shown in the message ; body, as clickable links. ; 0 = Do not show ; 1 = Show links ViewShowAttach=0 ; ;==================================== ; Mail Editor Options ; ; Equivalents of ViewApp Options (See above!) ; All Settings in this section Manual Edit Only EditApp= EditAppCmdLine= EditFileSuffix="txt" DefEditApp=0 ; ;==================================== ; Handling Opened Attachments ; ; Name of Data Directory sub-folder to which ; opened attachments are extracted ; If NULL data directory is used ; Manual Edit Only AttachPath="attach" ; ; 0 = Opened attachments are preserved when nPOPuk is ; closed ; 1 = Opened attachments given "_attach_" file name prefix : AND on exit of nPOPuk the following deletions occur: ; - All files with the "_attach_" prefix found in the ; folder indicated by the AttachPath= setting ; - If it exists and is empty, the folder specified in ; the AttachPath= setting ; Manual Edit Only AttachDelete=1 ; ;==================================== ; HTML Only Mail Handling ; 0 = Display Full Msg ; 1 = Strip HTML, preserving http Links ; Manual Edit Only StripHtmlTags=1 ; ;==================================== ; Directory Locations ; ; SavedSaveDir is the directory in which you last saved ; something (eg, an attachment from an incoming message) SavedOpenDir= ; ; SavedOpenDir is the directory from which you last loaded ; something (eg, an attachment to be sent, or ; "paste from file"); SavedSaveDir= ; ;==================================== ; Browser Application ; ; Application for web links ; Takes full path and filename of browser ; NULL = Use Default Browser ; Manual Edit Only URLApp= ; ;==================================== ; EnableLAN=0 RasCon=1 RasCheckEndDisCon=1 RasCheckEndDisConTimeout=0 RasEndDisCon=1 RasNoCheck=1 RasWaitSec=5 RasInfoCnt=0 ; ;==================================== ; Global Filters ; ; 0 = Off, 1 = On GlobalFilterEnable=0 ; ; Number of Filters GlobalFilterCnt=0 ; ;==================================== ; Number of Mailboxes MailBoxCnt=1 ; ;==================================== ; [RASINFO] Section ; ; Created and populated when a Dial-up ; connection is defined on creation ; of first account ; -0 entries relate to MAILBOX-0 entries ; -X entries relate to MAILBOX-X entries ; that appear if further mailboxes are created ; [RASINFO] RASINFO-0_RasEntry= RASINFO-0_RasUser= RASINFO-0_RasPass= ; ;==================================== ; [MAILBOX-0] Section ; ; Populated from: ; Account Settings dialogue ; and server communications ; except where noted. ; ; Further MAILBOX-X sections will appear ; on creation of further accounts ; [MAILBOX-0] Name= ;==================================== ; MailBox File Name ; ; Defines the filename to be used by nPOPuk to ; replace the default "MailBoxXX.dat". ; The expression "name.ext" can be replaced with ; any valid filename. ; Manual Edit Only Filename= ; ;==================================== ; Sound file for new mail ; ; Allows setting a different sound file ; for new mail received in each account. ; Manual Edit Only NewMailSOundFile= ; ;==================================== ; Mailbox Type ; ; 0 = Account 1 = Savebox Type=0 ; ;==================================== Server= Port=110 User= Pass= APOP=0 PopSSL=0 PopSSLType=0 PopSSLVerify=1 PopSSLDepth=-1 PopSSLCert= PopSSLPkey= PopSSLPass= NoRETR=0 NoUIDL=0 MailCnt=0 MailSize=0 StartInit=0 CyclicFlag=0 SmtpServer= SmtpPort=25 UserName= MailAddress= ; ;==================================== ; ; Address to appear as the default Replyto ; on the Mail Property dialogue. ; See also similarly named [GENERAL] setting. ; Manual Edit Only ReplyTo= ; ;==================================== ; ; Enable (=1) or disable (=0) the automatic ; bcc (blind carbon copy) to one's own address MyAddr2Bcc=0 ; ;==================================== ; ; Address (or comma separated list of addresses) ; for the blind copy sent to self ; If NULL, uses address in MailAddress= BccAddr= ; ;==================================== PopBeforeSmtp=0 SmtpAuth=0 SmtpAuthType=0 AuthUserPass=0 SmtpUser= SmtpPass= SmtpSSL=0 SmtpSSLType=0 SmtpSSLVerify=1 SmtpSSLDepth=-1 SmtpSSLCert= SmtpSSLPkey= SmtpSSLPass= FilterEnable=0 FilterCnt=0 RasMode=0 RasEntry= RasReCon=0 ; LastNo=0 LastMessageId= Signature=